Thursday 27 August 2015

Betang House is the Traditional House of Borneo

Hallo how are you? Hopefully you guys are fine.
On this beautiful day I will try posting about home betang. Yes, home betang. The typical House of Borneo.

Betang House is one of the traditional House of Borneo at the upstream of the River became the center of the Dayak tribe settlement, because in the past the River was the main transportation for Dayak to perform a variety of daily activities such as farming or trade.

Form and great home Betang varies in different places. There is a long Betang House 150 metres and a width of up to 30 meters. Generally home Betang built in the shape of the stage with a height of three to five meters from the ground. The height of this building houses Betang to avoid the coming floods in rainy season that threatened areas in the upper reaches of the River in Borneo.
Some residential units can have more than one home Betang fruit depending on the magnitude of the residential community member households. Every household (family) occupying the booth (room) are on the boundary bulkhead of the great House of Betang, in addition the Dayak tribe in General also have single houses that were built while the time to perform the activity fields, this is because the distance between fields with the place of settlement.

Betang home is more than just a House, but actually houses Betang is the heart of the social structure of the Dayak people's lives. Betang culture is a reflection about togetherness in everyday life Dayak people. In this each individual life Betang within households and communities are systematically arranged through mutual agreement that poured in customary law. Shared security, both from the criminal disorder or share food, suka-duka as well as the mobilization of manpower to work the fields. The main values that stand out in life at home is the value of togetherness Betang (communalism) among the citizens who inhabit it, regardless of the differences they have. From here we learn that the Dayak tribe is the tribe that appreciates a difference. Appreciate the difference ethnic Dayak tribe, religion or social background.
On the front of the House there is a betang rung as the entrance into the House. The house-shaped stage with a height of approximately three to five meters from the ground surface is deliberately constructed to avoid floods and attacks of wild beasts.

At the end of the steps, we'll find a bale or a porch that is not too broad, its function as a place to receive guests as well as for a meeting with relatives or other families.

Go inside the building we are going to see a lot of room that is partitioned into several rooms. Well, any room or booth is occupied by one family. so, such as in one family there were 50 betang House, means the number of booths there are also 50. That's why this shape Betang home very long.
In the back of the Dayak indigenous House there is a room that serves as a storage area for results and agricultural tools. In addition, the Dayak custom homes also has a cattle Corral hewah blends at home, because pets are included in the family treasures such as pigs, cows and dogs.

This behavior reflects betang home community that prioritizes Dayak brotherhood and togetherness.

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