Thursday 27 August 2015


Borneo is one of five large islands are there in Indonesia. Where on the island of Borneo tribe of the dayak of Borneo. There are a variety of existing dayak in Kalimantan. But among the Dayaks themselves, one with more cultivate the culture of its own. However, the one with the other to know or have a distinctive weapon is referred to as Dayak mandau. In everyday life it is not separated from its owner. This means that wherever the owner go mandau will always be brought because it serves as a symbol of honor or identity.

Mandau is believed to have levels of efficacy or supernatural powers. The power of saktinya is not only derived from the manufacturing process through certain rituals, but also in the tradition of pengayauan (beheading of opponents). At that time (before the 20th century) a growing number of people who successfully kayau, mandau then uses the more Milky. Usually most of his hair used to decorate the hilt mandau. They believe that people who die due to on-going spirit, kayau inhabit the mandau so it becomes Milky. However, the current functions of the mandau already changed, i.e., as an art and cultural objects, souvenirs, collectibles and weapons for hunting, trim the shrubs and farming.
This time I will explain a little about the structure of Mandau.
Mandau is composed of three structures is toolbars Mandau, the butt of the Mandau and holsters Mandau.

Bilah Mandau / Mandau Bar
Blades made of slab mandau iron forged flat-shaped long like machetes and finally tapered (upper part of the beak resembles that notched flat). One side of the eye of them honed sharper, while the other is left a little thick and blunt. There are several types of materials that can be used to make the mandau, namely montallat, iron matikei iron, iron and steel are taken from per car, chainsaw blades, discs, etc. Allegedly, mandau is best mutunya is made from Stone Mountain who smelted iron special so very strong and sharp as well as its decoration was given a touch of gold, silver, or copper. This just kind of Mandau is made by certain people.

Making slats mandau begins with making a live coal in a furnace for iron memuaikan. The wood used to make the coals is ulin wood because the heat can produce higher compared with other types of wood. After wood coals, then the iron will be used as the bar is placed above the coals mandau in order to expand. Later, forged using a hammer.

Forging is done repeatedly to get the shape of the blades of the mandau is desired. After the bar is formed, the next step is to make the ornaments out and dent in the eyes of the mandau and the holes on the blades of the mandau. Supposedly, the number of holes on a large number of victims represents the mandau ever touches the mandau tebas. How to make an ornament the same with how to make taskbar mandau, namely memuaikan and menempanya with a hammer over and over to get the desired shape. After that, the blades of the mandau mashed by using grinding.

Sarung Mandau / The Butt Of The Mandau
Handles (upper mandau) made from deer horns are carved to resemble a bird's head. The entire surface of the gagangnya carved with a variety of motifs such as the Dragon's head, beak, bird, gyre, and hooks. At the end of the handle is also given a decoration in the form of fur or hair of humans. The form and the engraving on the butt of the mandau is able to distinguish the place of origin of the mandau is created, the tribe, as well as the social status of its owner.

Gagang Mandau / Mandau Holster
Holster mandau (kumpang) are usually made of thin wood plate. The top is coated with bone-shaped bracelets. The middle and lower parts of heavily indebted with rattan weave as the amplifier Terminal. As a garnish, usually placed feather bird baliang bird, I said, beads and often tuck fetish. In addition, mandau is also equipped with a small knife leather gloved tied stick on the side of the Holster and belt of woven rattan.
The making of the mandau, if observed carefully contain values that can be used as a reference in everyday life for the people of his supporters. Those values include the beauty of (art), diligence, thoroughness, and patience. The value of beauty reflected in the mandau forms are made in such a way, so that it radiates. Meanwhile, the value of persistence, thoroughness, patience and reflected from the manufacturing process that requires diligence, thoroughness, and patience. Without those values is not possible will manifest a mandau.

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