Monday 17 August 2015

Kubu Beach, the Tourism Object of BORNEO

Sit back on the wooden Pier overlooking the blue sea while fishing and observing fro fish in clear water and then your face the other sea breezes is one of simple happiness cannot be bought with money. This kind of thing means you can feel on the beach located in the village of Kubu Kubu, Subdistrict of Kumai District, Kotawaringin Barat. This beautiful beach is approximately 30 km from Pangkalan Bun, Kotawaringin Barat Regency capital city. Own Bun base dubbed "Sweet City", a term derived from the acronym of a slogan, namely: interest, Safe, delicious, Fresh, and Beautiful.

Included as a coastal area sloping beaches, Fortress is one of the goals of coastal tourism is managed as a commercial tourist area by the local government. Various facilities were built to support the conditions of this beach, although such efforts have not been too. The existence of the bridge that is located 300 metres from the beach is one of the forms of these efforts and is one of the main attractions at this beach. The bridge made of ulin wood really such a pleasant place to relax while enjoying the beauty of nautical charm.

Besides being able to enjoy the beauty of the sea in a wooden dock, you can also relax in the lodges that were built on the waterfront. Other interesting things that you can enjoy on site around the beach Fortifications is the availability of stalls selling typical foods (seafood). Of course the fish and other sea food specialties that are sold are still somewhat fresh because purchased directly from fishermen. At midmorning the day, you can see the fishermen catch fish in offshore camps. You can even fish while sitting along the ulin wood which is towards the middle of the sea. While for his drink, young coconut water served complete with grains of coconut intact is the choice drink typical of the coast is not to be missed.

Kubu beach is a beach facing the Java Sea and beach is one of the pride of the local community. While on holidays such as new year's holiday, it will be well populated mainly local visitors who want to see the beauty of fireworks or simply blend in with the crowd that awaits visitors to the turn of the year.

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