Monday 17 August 2015

The Monument Adipura of Pangkalan Bun - Tourism Object of BORNEO

         Adipura Cup is an award given to the city of Indonesia who succeeded in maintaining hygiene and management of the urban environment. The award was organized by the Ministries of environment, Indonesia and one of the recipients of this Cup is base bun.

         Adipura Cup was first awarded at the town of pangkalan bun in 2007. But not only survived it once, the town of pangkalan bun even get three consecutive adipura Cup in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Of the results achieved this city government base award is pinned in a bun, a monument which is now called the monument adipura.

         Adipura monument located on a street near the Palace. This monument was to divide the road into four directions in which the monument is situated in the middle of the road. Because of this there is a monument in the middle of the road a monument is also referred to as the adipura roundabout. In this year when adipura Cup is awarded. This is to commemorate and appreciate the city's achievements in developing a base of bun a healthy living environment.
         At this time the base has seven adipura Cup bun. This shows that once the rigors of Government efforts the city of pangkalan bun bun base made the city as the city clean Indonesia.

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